awesome art

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ivywhisker's Decision Page 2

‘Thats amazing! Argh I mean…’ Ivypaw didn’t want Lionstar to think Ivypaw was wanting to be a kit again. Ivypaw looked up at the pink coloured sky, Soon my best friend will be an apprentice! And its sunset!

Lionstar began the call for all warriors, apprentices and medicine cats to come ‘Cats of Windclan I call upon this meeting for a new apprentice, Foxkit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Foxpaw. Your mentor will be Poppyseed I hope Poppyseed will pass down all she knows on to you.’ Lionstar jumped down from the Tallrock and began touching noses with Foxpaw, then poppyseed came, What? Foxpaw gets my favourite warrior! Ivypaw hissed in delight then turned to find Crowwing, Where is he? Usually Deputies stay with the leader for clan meetings just in case something has happened. But Crowwing was nowhere to be seen. Ivypaw didn’t care. Where ever he was, he was somewhere he needed to be. Ivypaw waked over to lick Foxpaw on the ear but when she did at the corner of her eye she saw Crowwing staring at her. She looked up
‘What do you want?’ She hissed
Crowwing walked to her and smiled. Then Crowwing turned around then walked to the Fresh-kill and stopped ‘meet me at the river. For training. Sun high tommorow’
You are not my mentor though… Ivypaw thought he would be a good mentor. Ivypaw wanted to go and knew she could, Silentrose won’t think of her as anything. Ivypaw went to congratulate Foxpaw again.
‘Hey Foxpaw,’
‘Ivypaw!’ Foxpaw squealed
Ivypaw went to lick her friend’s ear, she thought maybe Foxpaw could come with her at sunhigh tomorrow.
‘Look Foxpaw, Crowwing said that i could do training with him tomorrow, I was wondering if you wanted to come… do you?’ She meowed looking at Foxpaw’s amber eyes as she asked
‘Of course! Why wouldn’t I?’ Foxpaw meowed with delight.
Ivypaw meowed with great enthusiasm ‘Great!’ She looked up to the moonlit sky and stretched her hind legs ‘I better get some rest, First day of apprentice training is tomorrow!’ Ivypaw stalked off without waiting for Foxpaw she looked around the apprentice den for a perfect bed, while Foxpaw looked for a bed next to her. Featherpaw came into the apprentice den with her tail held high, show off! Ivypaw meowed in her head
‘Ivypaw, you and Foxpaw will be the only apprentices! You will hate apprentice chores.’ She hissed
‘Why won’t you do apprentice chores?’ Ivypaw tried her best not to sound too rude.
‘I won’t be an apprentice stupid furball!’
‘What! Why not?’ Ivypaw stood up high so she was the same length as Featherpaw. But Featherpaw  stood there and smiled sarcastically
‘Don’t you get it? I’m going to be a warrior!’ Featherpaw hissed. ‘Stupid furball!’
‘Take it easy Featherpaw!’ Foxpaw defended Ivypaw and unsheathed his claws, Featherpaw hissed at him and unsheathed her claws to. Ivypaw flexed her claws but stayed back
‘Stop!’ A cat hissed from the entrance of the den. Ivypaw turned to see Lionstar his fur bristled and hackles high ‘What is this?’
‘Lionstar?’ Featherpaw sheathed her claws as she turned to him, ‘It’s not my fault! They started clawing me!’ Featherpaw lied, Foxpaw narrowed his eyes and flexed his paws and walked out of the den. We are growing stronger then just kits now, Foxpaw is really an apprentice! Not a kit anymore… Ivypaw thought.

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